Procurement Opportunities

Procurement Opportunities - BATTERY PARK CITY AUTHORITY

Mandatory Forms


Pursuant to Article 15-A and regulations adopted thereunder, the Battery Park City Authority has established goals for the participation of certified minority and women-owned business enterprises in the performance of services under contract with Battery Park City Authority. These goals have been prescribed as percentages of the overall proposal/contract dollar amount. Battery Park City Authority’s goals are placed on construction contracts totaling over $100,000, and procurement contracts over $25,000. Details of our contractors’ MWBE utilization plans are available here. MWBE-certificated firms are found in the Directory of Certified MWBEs offered by Empire State Development. Battery Park City Authority is a major sponsor of The Competitive Edge Conference. Held annually, the conference provides an excellent opportunity for MWBEs to network with City, State and Private Sector Firms. For More information, visit

Procurement Opportunities

Battery Park City Authority endorses a competitive public bidding process and, as such, solicits bids from contractors for work throughout Battery Park City. Requests for proposals are posted in the New York State Contract Reporter and the New York City Record. Submissions will be evaluated to assess such criteria as the proposer’s project specific and general experience, credentials, availability and financial stability. Battery Park City Authority is an equal opportunity contracting agency. Any resulting contracts will include provisions mandating compliance with Executive Law Article 15-A.

Current procurement opportunities can be found below. A list of all past procurement opportunities can be found on the Archived Procurement Opportunities page.