“From coastal resiliency and sustainable green practices to the preservation of affordable housing, world-class public art, and vibrant, year-round programming in award-winning public spaces, Battery Park City leads the way in many of the measures that makes cities livable."

Raju Mann

President & CEO
  • 06/07
  • BPC People
  • Community
  • Environment


BPC Parks Happenings is a monthly “snapshot” of the Authority’s work in maintaining Battery Park City’s parks and public spaces. Scroll down to see what’s on tap for June.

– Bountiful Baskets: We’ve begun watering the hanging baskets along South End Avenue, which will occur three times per week to ensure a full season of blooms. Watering of newly planted trees will also take place twice weekly to ensure successful establishment in our urban tree canopy.

– Take a Load Off: Tables and chairs are back out for the summer! They’re set up, along with picnic tables, at locations on the Hudson River Greenway walkway from Battery Place to Third Place. So take a seat and enjoy!

– Workspace Activity: Look for continued activity at the North End Avenue Island Greenery Workspace as Parks Operations utilizes the area for compost garden cutback. This work allows our team to create a high-quality soil amendment and fertilizer for use across BPC.

– Keeping it Clean: The dog runs will be closed daily in order to thoroughly clean each dog run so our pawsome friends can enjoy themselves.

– Keeping it Cool: Water features that are not yet on, such as the fountains in front of the Museum of Jewish Heritage, and in Teardrop Park South, will be turned on this month.

– Keeping It BPC: Our Operations Team will continue to focus on maintaining the open spaces and amenities proactively to meet Battery Park City’s high standards! We ask that if you “see something, say something” such as inoperable water play features, overflowing receptacles, and clogged drains.

– You and Me, Lifting Latches: Work continues at the West Thames playground to repair gate latches. The playground remains open during these efforts.

– Volunteer with BPCA: Come volunteer and work alongside the horticulture team in completing gardening tasks like weeding, watering, and deadheading of plants! If interested, please contact info@bpca.ny.gov for a volunteer application and more info.

Sustainability at BPCA

– Food Waste — Compost It! In May we created nearly 7,000 lbs. of compost from food waste. Please remember to use our green compost bins to discard your food waste. Our community compost drop-offs are located at 75 Battery Place, Gateway Plaza, 200 Rector, the NEA Dog run, and the lower level of River Terrace and Chambers Street, and available 24/7. Be on the lookout for a new compost drop off location coming soon near North Cove Marina. Email compost@bpca.ny.gov for more information or questions about our community compost program.

– Dog Waste — Compost It! In May we created 82 lbs. of compost from dog waste compost. To date we’ve composted 10,568 lbs. of dog waste since our launch in September 2019. If you’re walking along the South Esplanade or in one of our 3 dog runs, help BPCA reach zero waste by composting dog waste. See more about our dog waste composting here.

– Our Path to Zero: As a decades-long leader in sustainability, BPCA is striving to divert 90% of what is sent to landfill! To continue helping toward our Zero Waste goal, we ask that you rethink what you throw away in the parks, and please recycle or compost items.

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