Title: Maintenance Technician
Favorite BPC Spot: Robert F. Wagner, Jr. Park
Brooklyn native Katherine Powell first joined the Battery Park City Authority in May 2015 as a seasonal maintenance employee, becoming a full-timer a few months later. As a maintenance technician, Katherine helps with cleaning and maintaining our beautiful 36 acres of parks and public space.
Recently, Katherine joined BPCA’s dog waste compost committee for the Authority’s new pilot initiative. This innovative program formally launched yesterday as part of the NYC Climate week in furtherance of BPCA’s environmental responsibility efforts.
Katherine is excited to be part of a great team and asserts that her work with the Authority has “changed her life.” When not helping maintain our parks making BPC a more sustainable environment, she loves to sing, cook, and dance to all types of music. Katherine resides in East New York with her six kids and three grandchildren.
Make sure you stop and say hello to Katherine as you pass by — odds are you’ll find her with a big smile on her face and ready to take on the day!
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