“From coastal resiliency and sustainable green practices to the preservation of affordable housing, world-class public art, and vibrant, year-round programming in award-winning public spaces, Battery Park City leads the way in many of the measures that makes cities livable."
“The Authority is delighted to welcome Martha Gallo and Anthony Kendall to our Board. We look forward to their valuable insights as we further engage our community to make great things happen in Battery Park City.
Martha J. Gallo
Anthony “Tony” S. Kendall
“On behalf of the BPCA I also thank Board Chairman Dennis Mehiel and Member Hector Batista for their years of dedicated service to this neighborhood and its residents.”
About the appointments: Martha J. Gallo was appointed to the BPCA Board on June 19, 2018, replacing Hector Batista, who served as a Member since 2015. Anthony S. Kendall was appointed to the Board on June 20, 2018, replacing Dennis Mehiel who served since 2012. Both Ms. Gallo and Mr. Kendall are Battery Park City residents.
The BPCA Board consists of seven Members nominated by the Governor, with a confirmation process in the State Senate. Members serve in an uncompensated capacity.