“From coastal resiliency and sustainable green practices to the preservation of affordable housing, world-class public art, and vibrant, year-round programming in award-winning public spaces, Battery Park City leads the way in many of the measures that makes cities livable."

Raju Mann

President & CEO
  • 04/15/22
  • Community
  • Environment


Since its launch in 2013, Citi Bike has become the largest and most successful bike share system in the Western Hemisphere. As demand continues to grow in the system’s core (particularly Manhattan south of 60th Street), the NYC Department of Transportation is leading the “infill” process, or the addition of docking stations to CitiBike locations south of 59th Street to help reduce instances where riders can’t find bike or a free dock. Infill will improve system density and increase capacity, enabling more Citi Bike trips for more New Yorkers regardless of where they start or end their Citi Bike trip. You can read more about CitiBike Phase 3 Infill here.

As part of this ongoing expansion, the newest CitiBike docking station in Battery Park City is located on the west side of River Terrace between Chambers and Warren streets. It joins the dock added to Stuyvesant Plaza earlier this year and provides an additional healthy and sustainable travel alternative for BPC residents and visitors.

Have more questions about CitiBike? Contact NYC311 here.

Additional Resources:

Manhattan Community Board 1, Transportation Committee (November 2021)
Manhattan Community Board 1, Transportation Committee (December 2021)


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