To facilitate work on the BPC Ball Fields and Community Center Resiliency Project, which will reduce the flood risk to a treasured public space used by some 50,000 local youth each year, in the coming weeks a one-block section of the Hudson River Greenway bike path will be converted to shared use on a temporary basis until November 2021.
In consultation with New York State and City partners, the bike path adjacent to the worksite, along West Street / Route 9A between Warren Street and Murray Street, will be temporarily reconfigured to a shared use layout while construction is underway. As pictured, to accommodate the necessary sidewalk closure along the Ball Fields’ western edge, pedestrian traffic will be routed to the westernmost lane of the bike path, with bicycle traffic moved the easternmost lane. New signage and pavement markings will help indicate this temporary change as well.
The bike path will be returned to its current configuration upon completion of resiliency project work this fall.
Read more about BPCA’s resiliency projects here.
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