New York City of the Future

The Skyscraper Museum 39 Battery Place, New York, United States

What do you think New York City will look like in 50 years? In a century? After exploring the futuristic predictions of 1920s architects Harvey Wiley Corbett and Hugh Ferriss, kids will design their own cities of the future. Make …

Barry Bergdoll Book Talk/ Partners in Design Alfred H. Barr & Phillip Johnson

The Skyscraper Museum 39 Battery Place, New York, United States

Barry Bergdoll, an architectural historian and the Meyer Schapiro Professor of Art History and Archeology at Columbia University will examine the context of New York’s architectural cultures in the late Twenties and the catalytic role of the 1932 MoMA exhibition …

Suspension Bridge Challenge

The Skyscraper Museum 39 Battery Place, New York, United States

There are many types of bridges, but what’s so special about a suspension bridge? After learning about some of the longest bridges in the world, kids will be assigned to make two bridges: a simple beam bridge and a suspension …

Judith Gura and Kate Wood Book Talk: Interior Landmarks: Treasures of New York

The Skyscraper Museum 39 Battery Place, New York, United States

In the fifty years since its passage in 1965, the New York City Landmarks Law has preserved outstanding buildings of cultural, social, economic, political, and architectural history. Interiors, though, have only been protected since 1973, as the new book Interior …

Ten Tops Scavenger Hunt

The Skyscraper Museum 39 Battery Place, New York, United States

After a tour of our current exhibit TEN TOPS, families will go on a scavenger hunt in the museum for fun facts about skyscrapers, examining photographs, videos, and text for clues. Kids will then create illustrations of their favorite discoveries. …

Curator’s Tour

The Skyscraper Museum 39 Battery Place, New York, United States

Director and curator Carol Willis will lead a curator's tour of the museum's new exhibition TEN TOPS. Curator’s tours are free with admission. No RSVP required.

Building Tall Workshop

The Skyscraper Museum 39 Battery Place, New York, United States

In this workshop, students will be separated into teams and will compete to build a tower that is as tall as possible. Towers will be evaluated not only by their height, but by how well they stand up to wind …

Book Talk “The Archaeology of American Cities”

The Skyscraper Museum 39 Battery Place, New York, United States

New York has been built, altered, redeveloped, destroyed, re-imagined, and rebuilt for centuries. When new construction projects require digging, literally, into the city’s past, urban archaeologists are presented with the challenging problems of reconstructing from limited data, a picture of …


Halloween Costume Workshop

The Skyscraper Museum 39 Battery Place, New York, United States

Build your own Halloween costume.  Dress up as a tall tower from around the world or create a spooky structure to wear trick or treating.  All ages.  RSVP required.   Cost is $5 per child. Members and Battery Park City …

Andrew Dolkart Book Talk

The Skyscraper Museum 39 Battery Place, New York, United States

Join Andrew Dolkart, as he talks about his book, "Saving Place: 50 Years of New York City Landmarks." Dokart is the author of numerous books on the architecture and urban development of New York City, focusing in particular on the …

Free. RSVP required