“From coastal resiliency and sustainable green practices to the preservation of affordable housing, world-class public art, and vibrant, year-round programming in award-winning public spaces, Battery Park City leads the way in many of the measures that makes cities livable."
BPC Parks Happenings is a monthly “snapshot” of the Authority’s work in maintaining Battery Park City’s parks and public spaces. Scroll down to see what’s on tap for June!
– Fill ‘Em Up: Parks Operations staff to fill the Museum of Jewish Heritage fountain and mirror pool in Wagner Park’s south garden.
– Hanging Around: Hanging flower baskets along South End Avenue will be watered thrice weekly to provide for a full season of blooms spanning until the end of October.
– Terrace Treat: More perennials will be delivered this month new planting at the BPC Ball Fields Terrace off North End Avenue.
– Bright Idea: Bulb orders for the fall 2022 planting season to be places early this month to ensure the widest variety and best quality bulbs for planting in Battery Park City.
– Keeping an Eye on the Spotted Lanternfly: Spotted Lanternfly nymphs have been spotted in the gardens, with our Parks Operations staff continuing to monitor. If you spot any, please use iNaturalist so we can track their location and population in BPC; then feel free to squish them! Read more: BPC DID YOU KNOW? | SPOTTED LANTERNFLY TRAPS
– Zero Waste for the Win! BPCA is striving to divert 90% of what is sent to landfill! Here’s what we’re doing to reach these goals this month:
o Watching and adjusting the recycling cans to ensure they are in the right places for optimal use o Waste audit of parks and street trash scheduled for June 11