“From coastal resiliency and sustainable green practices to the preservation of affordable housing, world-class public art, and vibrant, year-round programming in award-winning public spaces, Battery Park City leads the way in many of the measures that makes cities livable."
Battery Park City finished an already busy year strong, with a series of community-focused events and happenings this December.
Teeing things off was an ice show for the ages. On Sunday, December 3, guests packed the Rink at Brookfield Place for the free Stars United Ice Show, featuring Melissa Gregory, Denis Petukhov and other Olympians in an evening of skating performances and live music. After the show, attendees had chance to skate with the stars beginning at 7PM.
On the evening of December 7, hundreds of BPC residents and friends attended our annual Holiday Lights celebration in South Cove, featuring warm beverages, cookies, caroling, and one very special guest! A newly-planted eastern white pine tree, festooned with more than 2,000 lights, helped brighten up a fun evening for all. Thanks to all who attended and brought gifts for donation to our partners at Stockings with Care.
The Fabulous Fezziwigs were nothing short of it.
Let there be light! B.J. Jones and guest light up BPC’s new Christmas tree.
Happy holidays from the BPC Parks team.
The morning of December 9 brought with it BPC Park’s free Chess Tournament, where about 30 young contestants across two divisions participated in Swiss-style competition. The talent was strong with this group, and a number of tie-breakers were needed to finally crown a winner. At day’s end everyone left with a smile – and a prize.
The shortest day of the year was reason not to despair but celebrate at our Winter Solstice Celebration! Dozens braved the cold to hear astronomers describe fascinating astronomical alignments illuminated on winter solstice – including tombs in Newgrange, Ireland – and to enjoy Celtic music by Mary Courtney and legends by Marianne McShane.
Adding to the ambiance, attendees observed the interplay of light and movement on thousands of prisms in Sunrise / Sunset (Revolution), an art installation by Autumn Ewalt and Dharmesh Patel at Pier A Plaza, on view through summer 2018.
Moving from the ethereal to the digital, on December 18 we launched our new electronic permitting (“ePermit”) system, allowing applicants to easily file applications and remit payment for more than a dozen permit types across 15 outdoor parks locations in Battery Park City. Prior to launch, users were required to manually complete a permit application and then scan it to email, or use traditional mail, for submission. Applicants can now complete each of these steps, as well as attach supporting documentation such as images, maps, and diagrams via secure online application.
Said Acting BPCA President & Chief Operating Officer B.J. Jones. “With dozens of acres of world-class parks to enjoy, there’s no better place to hold your event than here in Battery Park City. We look forward to hosting you!” Access the ePermit system here.
Finally, last week we released our Winter Events Calendar for 2018, detailing more than 500 public programs and events taking place throughout Battery Park City from January to April.
Our most expansive set of winter programming yet, the calendar of mostly-free programs for all ages includes cultural and artistic workshops, talks, fitness programs, music, games, Battery Park City’s Annual Art Exhibition, and much more.
As B.J. Jones notes, “a new year in Battery Park City brings with it a new collection of unbeatable programming for our residents, friends, and visitors,” so come join us here in Battery Park City!
And thanks to all our partners and friends for a wonderful 2017 indeed.