“From coastal resiliency and sustainable green practices to the preservation of affordable housing, world-class public art, and vibrant, year-round programming in award-winning public spaces, Battery Park City leads the way in many of the measures that makes cities livable."

Raju Mann

President & CEO
  • 08/13/24
  • BPC People
  • Community
  • Environment


BPC Parks Happenings is a monthly “snapshot” of the Authority’s work in maintaining Battery Park City’s parks and public spaces. Scroll down to see what’s on tap August.

– North End Nook: Our team continues to utilize the North End Avenue Nursery to compost garden cutback. This allows us to create a high-quality soil amendment and fertilizer for use throughout Battery Park City.

– Go With the Grain: New play sand continues to be added to neighborhood playgrounds. With West Thames and Teardrop Park now complete, next up are the Rockefeller Park and Kowsky Plaza playgrounds (latter pictured above). Overall, close to 70 cubic yards of sand will be added in total.

– Bountiful Baskets: Watering of hanging baskets and newly planted trees continues on a thrice-weekly basis to ensure optimal plant health.

– Building Bridges: BPCA will be installing new cargo netting throughout the Rockefeller Park Playground the week of August 19.

– Patch It: Our masons will be doing minor asphalt crack repair work throughout the park.

– Paint It: Our team will also be painting new lines on ball courts throughout the neighborhood.

– Pollinators of the Night: Following our nighttime “bioblitz” as part of last month’s National Moth Week, we are adding a second location along the BPC Esplanade to help identify different moth species that call Battery Park City home. To date we have identified roughly 20 moth species in South Cove, which you can learn about on our iNaturalist page.

– Sticky Spots: Keep a lookout for animal safe sticky tape and traps on our trees to help control Spotted Lanternfly (SLF) nymphs before they reach adult stage later this summer.

– Volunteer with BPCA: Battery Park City Authority’s Horticulture team is looking for volunteers who would like to join us in completing gardening tasks. Please submit an application form or email info@bpca.ny.gov for more info.

Sustainability at BPCA

– Compost It! In June we composted 5,154 lbs. of food waste and 82 lbs. of dog waste from the community. Please remember to use our green compost bins to discard your food waste. And if you’re walking along the South Esplanade or in one of our three dog runs, help BPCA reach zero waste by composting your dog waste. Our community compost drop-offs, located at 75 Battery Place, Gateway Plaza, 200 Rector, the North End Avenue dog run, and the lower level of River Terrace and Chambers Street, are open 24/7 for drop-off of fruit and vegetable scraps. And be on the lookout for a new compost drop off location along the Esplanade by North Cove Marina! Email compost@bpca.ny.gov for more information or questions.

– Our Path to Zero: As a decades-long leader in sustainability, BPCA is striving to divert 90% of what is sent to landfill! To continue helping toward our Zero Waste goal, we ask that you rethink what you throw away in the parks, and please recycle or compost items.

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