Study maps all tree and plant life found within Battery Park City, including each species’ characteristics and ecosystem benefits Digital TreePlotter platform provides education tool for public to explore and learn about Battery Park City’s vegetation while BPCA will use …
Closures in Support of Annual Tunnel to Towers 5K Run & Walk In support of the Tunnel to Towers Foundation’s Annual 5K Run & Walk, and at the direction of our partners at the New York City Police Department, please be …
For photos of the Bench and event, click here In a powerful demonstration of the growing global impact of climate change, the Museum of Jewish Heritage – A Living Memorial to the Holocaust and the Battery Park City Authority today …
Report Summarizes and Documents Progress to Inform Priorities for Furthering Sustainability Efforts Across the Neighborhood Eighty-Nine Percent of All Actions Have Been Started Read the Report Here The Battery Park City Sustainability Plan is a comprehensive pathway to achieve progressive …
The term “bioblitz” dates to 1996, when it was coined by U.S. National Park Service naturalist, Susan Rudy, to describe a 24-hour wildlife survey that she ran in Washington D.C. Bioblitzes are biodiversity inventories conducted in a specific geographic area …
Let’s reduce our carbon pawprint! It was five years ago this week, during Climate Week 2019, that BPCA launched its innovative Dog Waste Composting Program across the neighborhood’s three dog runs. The brainchild of BPC’s Parks Operations Vice President Ryan …
Climate Week NYC is September 22-29, 2024 Battery Park City is dedicated to creating a sustainable and resilient future for years to come across its parks and public spaces for residents, businesses, visitors, and cultural and educational institutions alike. In …
BPC Parks Happenings is a monthly “snapshot” of the Authority’s work in maintaining Battery Park City’s parks and public spaces. Scroll down to see what’s on tap for September. – Rocket Launch: BPCA received two new composters earlier this month …